Salmon Cakes

Salmon Cakes

Salmon Cakes

Recipe by Bruce Mitchell

Video available only on Roku TV and Amazon Fire TV - search for "Blackstone" 


  • Stovetop stuffing (1 box)
  • Chicken Stock
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 6oz cans of Salmon
  • Flour


  1. Empty 1 box of Stovetop Stuffing into a medium saucepan. Add a little bit of Chicken Stock (about 1 cup) and mix until the stuffing is hydrated and soft (there shouldn’t be any excess liquid).
  2. Turn the griddle on to medium heat and place saucepan on top and cook for 5 minutes while stirring.
  3. Empty mixture into a large mixing bowl and mash with a spoon. Add two eggs and gently mix. Meanwhile, turn Blackstone on high, fill a cast iron pan with oil and place on the Blackstone to use for frying.
  4. Gently mix in two 6oz cans of salmon into the Stovetop mixture. Add 2 tablespoons of flour or until the mixture thickens.
  5. When the oil reaches 330-360 degrees. Place a large spoonful of the mixture into a bowl of flower and coat evenly. Shape into a patty with your hands and place it in oil. Repeat
  6. Cook for about 3 minutes or until the bottoms are brown and flip. Cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Remove and dash with Blackstone Bayou Blend Seasoning and enjoy!
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