Sweet Dessert Sandwich

Sweet Dessert Sandwich


  • 1 Cup of Nutella Spread
  • 8 White Bread Slices
  • 2 Banana, Sliced
  • 16 Marshmallows, Halved
  • Butter
  • Powdered Sugar


  1. Preheat Blackstone griddle to medium low.

  2. Pair up slices of bread and spread Nutella on half of each.

  3. Apply banana slices to 4 pieces of bread and marshmallows to other 4 pieces. Match up each banana side with a marshmallow side and sandwich together.

  4. Spread a light layer of unsalted butter to the outside of sandwich.

  5. Cook on griddle until each side is golden brown.

  6. Remove from heat and dust with powdered sugar.

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